It was a beautiful morning before we arose as our friends on True North III saw. They snapped this picture of us as they left Buckhorn lock. When we left a short time later the sun was fully up but our hands were busy trying to get us off the wall that I didn't have time for pictures. We had to back off the wall and the current to the dam was so strong is sucked us against the concrete barriers. Thank goodness our fenders protected the boat! Bob pulled forward again and backed out again at more of an angle and as much power as he could manage. Success! Rough way to start a morning but the scenery ahead made it a much better day :)
We almost felt like we were back the the NW! The evergreen trees, the rocky islands, the beauty!
Lots of houses on their own private island.
Lots of narrow passages between islands
This fabulous little Anglican church - only open July and August - all are welcome! They have their own boat dock for attendees.
It's important to stay between the navigational buoys to keep you off the rocks.
Love the pretty foot bridge to their private "rock"
This must have been a lovely home in its day.
Mother-in-law cabin on the rock?
Beautiful twin waterfalls
Guest cottage or???
So many unusual homes
Magic follows us through a narrow cut.
I love this house over their two boat garage!
We stopped at Lovesick Lock - the most photographed lock on the waterway and the only lock on an island! Several looper friends were already here and we had a short visit before moving on.
We begin to see lots of houseboats that are vacation rentals. The people who rent them get very little training and so the boats are often referred to as "bumper boats" or similar terms describing the awkward situations they get into. We watched one boat crash into the dock, had one nearly crash into us, another nearly crash into another Looper boat, one try to under a bridge that was too low, and on and on......
Toni viewing the beautiful granite on Lovesick island.
The lockmasters here also love to garden.
The lock master adjusting the dam next to Lovesick Lock.
Leaving the island we see more beautiful homes....
Most homes have these chairs out by the water - many different colors but always the same style!
A wonderful way to spend the afternoon - the famous Kawartha Ice Cream - yum!

Docked at Lock #31 Wall - Buckhorn Lock - 6/26/17