We woke up to another cold moring and Bob lovingly turned on the generator to warm up the cabin before I got out of bed. That sweet gesture cost us several hours of waiting. When we called the lock (just 15 minutes away), the lock master informed us that he had 4 PC’s (pleasure craft) going down the lock as we spoke. He would then need to do some maintenance on the lock and it would be a couple of hours before he could lock us down. We went ahead and left our cove to anchor out just above the lock so as to be ready whenever he opened. At least we had internet there so I could upload my blog post! About 2 hours later a local sailboat joined us. 30 minutes after that the lock opened and we both entered and tied up, ready to descend. At the last minute the lock master said two more trawlers were on the way and we would wait for them. At 11 AM all 4 of us were secured and started our way down. The two boats that joined us were Tranquillity III (who we met briefly in Ludington (Lake Michigan) and who had just closed their loop in Green Turtle Bay) and Irish Rover (we saw their boat in Guntersville before they started their loop, but they were not aboard at the time). I had fun taking pictures of everyone coming and going. We went through two more locks together before we stopped at Midway Marina to fuel up, fill up with water, and make a quick run to the grocery store for perishables.
The last lock we went through together was a bit of a wait as there was a northbound tow coming up the lock. It was such a pretty picture taking time as the water was so calm as we waited.
Tranquillity III and Irish Rover waiting at the lock
The tow boat’s name is Mr. David!
A beautiful shot of Tranquillity III and Irish Rover with the tow.
This is what a bollard looks like in the lock. Kind of reminds me of the Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz. He just needs a funnel for his hat.
Here is a picture of Karen on Tranquillity “catching” the bollard with her boat hook and line. Notice how cold she looks!
The dams here are well marked with both buoys and warning signs.
We did notice that not all the locks have spillways with them. Bob discovered that the waterway was built, not for power generation, but specifically for river travel, taking some of the strain off the Mississippi River. This spillway was especially beautiful at low water. You can see the graceful curve as it joins the lower level of the river.
Here is the lock tower. The Tenn-Tom locks have been quite well maintained and have very little turbulence when the water lowers. The walls are clean but the bollards squeak like the dickens!!! Ear plugs should be offered!
A view from the top. It always looks farther down than it actually is. This is only a 30 ft. drop.
Mike and Karen on Tranquillity III - notice the Gold Looper flag on the bow.
When the gates swing open it deceptively looks like Tranquillity will get squished!
And we are down! Back to the calm waters of the waterway
I'll stop here for now so I can post this. More about the locks coming.
Docked at Midway Marina, - 11/14/17 with Irish Rover
Anchored at Columbus Cut - 11/15/17
Anchored at Sumpter Recreation Area - 11/16/17 with Irish Rover, Tranquillity III, Imagine Too, and Tortuga
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