The boat haul out was been postponed a day so we took a walk around the neighborhood near the marina and enjoyed the nice weather. It's sure nice to be back in the land of palm trees again...
...even if the palm trees think they are flowers. I need to study up on the different kinds of palms. There are SO many!
Do you remember way back at the beginning of the year when we were in North Carolina? I wrote about mulching with pine needles? They do it here too. Here are the little bundles of needles...

...and the garden is mulched.

Most of the boats here appear to be fishing boats - and then there's this one. We think it may be used as a tour boat but not sure.
The Good Life's home for two days before haul out.
This looks like a fairly ordinary but very nice fishing boat docked near us. It can hold upwards of 36 fishing rods...
...however, as you walk down the dock, and walk, and walk, and walk some realize this boat is 95 feet long! The captain and crew are on the upper deck so as not to disturb the passengers! WOW!
As we walk around the surrounding neighborhood we find another Tacky Jacks Restaurant. So bright and colorful!
Do you remember the extra tall "boat house" when we entered Orange Beach? This is the "house" it belongs to.
Finally we get to haul the boat out of the water. They take awhile to figure out just how to do it because our starboard side rub-rail was weakened/damaged at one of the docks in New York. We are impressed as they work to find the best solution to the problem.
We haven't had her bottom cleaned since Maryland so we are quite pleased at the lack of growth on her.
She is at her new home now - they will take her off the travel lift and she will sit on blocks for the next 2 weeks. Now we get to go play!
And we are off! Our "chariot" has been given a free upgrade :) A Cadillac XT5
So nice and comfortable!
This time we go UNDER Mobile Bay instead of on top!
We pass through Mississippi and see the sign to Keesler AFB in Biloxi where Bob's folks were married.
As we cross Lake Pontchartrain the bridge even makes ME a little dizzy (Bob never likes high bridges)
But it is beautiful
On the "hard" at Saunder's Yachtworks, Orange Beach, AL 11/28-?
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