Bob ready for the ride.
The only alligator we saw on the airboat ride. He stayed so still that there was a buzzard waiting to see if he was still alive!
The airboat can travel in only a few inches of water. This is the mud churned up by the boat.
This is the air-boat in action. Notice when we go sideways! It was much noisier than it sounds. We all wore ear protectors.
Wind blown, but happy, we went to see the Alligator show. We expected cheesy and were again surprised by an very interesting lesson in alligators and crocodiles. Did you know that Alligators are generally quite docile and won’t bite you unless you offer yourself to them, OR you threaten them or their babies! Their jaws bite down with 3,000 pounds per inch (compared to our 150-200 psi) so I wouldn't want to test that theory! The crocodile, on the other hand, is said to be more aggressive but that is rather hard to prove. After a wonderful demonstration, we got the chance to actually hold a 3 year old alligator. He was much softer than I expected and not slimy at all.
He put his hand the alligator’s mouth! They have very poor vision and unless you touch him, he doesn’t know you're there! The trainer did touch the edge of the mouth and jerked his hand out of the way VERY fast!
The trainer teases the mouth open to show us how the alligator’s throat completely closes up so no water can get into his lungs. He can bite underwater, but has to come to the surface to swallow!
I thought his feet were very unusual.
Here I am holding the baby alligator. Notice the band around his mouth. No biting allowed!! He didn’t struggle at all.
There is also a bit of a zoo display with lots of alligators, a few crocodiles (did you know that Florida is the only area in the world you will find both alligators and crocodiles?), and a few other critters you may find in the everglades including pythons!
I hate to think people need a warning not to put fingers in the cage but it is rather graphic!
We ended the day with a swamp buggy tour. This is a wagon on top of huge tires so it goes through water as well as on land.
This was much slower and we got to see lots of wild life.
Momma bear and baby bear right by the road (they put out cracked corn to attract the animals
This is the best shot I’ve had of a manatee yet. One of these times….
These are Seminole Indian huts called Chickee Huts. The Seminole is the only Indian tribe that never surrendered to the US. The everglades was a dangerous place but they were able to hide from the army here.
The Seminoles weren’t the only ones to hide in the everglades. Whiskey stills were very popular here.
At the end of the tour there was a field of vultures sunning themselves. Here’s a couple cool looking dudes.
I love this video of mister macho preening and lording it over the others.
As we drove to Everglades City we saw hurricane damage still waiting to be repaired.
This one appears to have been abandoned.
We ended the day at the Rod and Gun Club for an early dinner. Good food and fun decor.
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