Thursday, March 30, 2017

Day 12 – A Day of Beauty

Current Position: 32° 36' 12" N 80° 17' 27" W

A calm, beautiful day.  Uneventful except for the beauty in all we saw. 

From the scenery:

 The river behind us
 How many different types of trees can you find.  The diversity is amazing!
 The salt marsh at high tide

To the boats we met:

 A good sized fishing boat
 An interesting tug? water taxi?
A prettysailboat

To the birds flying and diving around us:

 A nest making it difficult to read the day marker
 Laughing Gull 
 Cormorant taking off
 Cormorants keeping watch
 Laughing gull diving for food
Egret looking for lunch

To the interesting hike we took:

A tree on our short hike at Steamboat Landing.  The road we wanted to take to an historic home was chained off and the temperature was well into the 80's with no shade.

Huge building in the distance - must be hotel.

And last but not least:

Our own wake as Bob opened the engines wide open to clean them out.  They did great Jason!

Anchorage by Steamboat Landing, SC.


  1. "To clean them out"? Really? Not just for fun? ;-)

    I'm glad you're enjoying your adventures - your pictures are always beautiful, and I'm enjoying your descriptions so much. Keep having fun out there!

    (And tell Bob to keep those engines cleaned out really, really well.) :-D

  2. Can you waterski behind the boat? If so, please take photos.
