Thursday, October 12, 2017

Days 211-214 Back Down the Tennessee to Joe Wheeler

We retrace our route back down the river but anchoring in different spots.  It's like seeing old friends as we recognize landmarks from our trip up.  We are so used to seeing new sights, it's very unusual to see repeats!  Here are a few sights I didn't mention in the last post on our way up.

What do you do with an out of date coal operated plant?  It is not abandoned, but not used.  I wonder what they have planned for it?

This is the overlook for a hydro power plant. The water is too dangerous to tie up below because of the current due to water flows from the power plant, but we wish so much that they had somewhere to tie up below so we could tour the plant.  A huge rockfill dam high up on the mountain holds a 528 acre reservoir.  During heavy electrical usage (weekdays usually), the water is released from the reservoir to fall 1,160 feet through huge underground pipes to the powerhouse inside the mountain.  At night and weekends when the demand is lower, the water is pumped back up the mountain!  What a view they must have from the top!

The tunnel to the power plant in the mountain.

An example of how huge the pipes are.

All that remains of a dam built in 1913 as one of the first major dams to be built across a navigable channel in the United States.  Hales Dam was plagued with leakage problems from the beginning and was finally replaced by Nickajack Dam in 1968.  The building is now used for boat storage!

Here's one I'd mentioned in the last post and now know the story behind it thanks to our friends David & Kim on Overtime.  Chattanooga is their home, and they told us this is a portable stage on a barge that is stored here.  They move it to Chattanooga for a large music festival every year! This is what Kim sent me: "The stage that you saw is called the "Coca-Cola Stage" and is taken to Chattanooga in early June for a huge music festival called Riverbend. 650,000 people attend Riverbend and the Coca-Cola Stage is the main stage. The stage is stored where you saw it the rest of the year."  Thanks for the info, Kim!  We'll miss you.

We are going downstream now so enter the locks from the top and are lowered to the next level.  It is always a strange feeling to look down from the top.

As we go down, Bob mans the boat hook to keep our bow off the wall while I keep an eye on the line holding us on the bollard on the wall and our fenders.  If they get jammed we must be prepared for quick action.  We carry a knife just in case we must cut a line.  Thankfully we have never had to use it!  This lock is very unusual as the gates look like a huge barrel!  Most gates are flat.

It's amazing what can grow even when it's underwater half the time!

It's been foggy in the mornings.  We usually wait for it to burn off, but...

...we came out of a lock into this one morning!  We turned on our radar, navigation lights (red on the port and green on the starboard), and I stood on the bow peering through the fog looking for obstacles.  We were socked in about an hour before we were in the sunshine again.  We were so happy to see blue sky!   

This is what the morning looked like before we entered the lock!  This was our anchorage the night before after we navigated out of the bay through the mil-foil weeds that are trying to choke out the channel.  It got very shallow at one point - just under 3 1/2 feet - but we managed to glide over the "thin" spot and had a lovely night in the bay.  The channel is well marked with buoys but they really aren't needed as the path through the weeds is so obvious.

The sunrise make the shoreline glow.

The flotsam and jetsam is not too bad on the river, but we must keep alert to avoid the occasional log. Our propellers would not be happy meeting one of these.

We are back in the flatter country now.  We miss the beautiful hills.

Hi!  We ordered new boat cards today so took a new picture to put on the back, selfie stick success!

Here's a better picture of an elevator down to a boat dock.  I'd love to see one in action.

Not very clear, but the elevator "car" is at the top.

These birds made our day.  The flock kept growing from around a hundred birds to well over two hundred and stayed with us for over an hour, swooping all around us.  I "googled" them and discovered they are whooping cranes!  I'd never seen one before.  We also see a lot of butterflies, but they are too quick to catch in flight.  There are so many colorful ones that fly past us.  The fly faster than our engines can take us!

They are quite striking with white bodies and black tipped wings.

A beautiful home.

A harvest moon was very orange.  Too bad the color washes out on film.

 Our last anchorage before we got to Joe Wheeler.  I originally thought the brick building on the right must be a Community Center of some kind as the small house on the left is a manufactured home.  Imagine my surprise when I read the sign in the yard "For sale by owner".  Granted, the manufactured home is small but my goodness!

Our anchorage at Joe Wheeler for the next several nights before rendezvous.  Notice the leaves are starting to turn.  We are anchored well protected ready for the rain and wind expected from Hurricane (now Tropical Storm) Nate.

Anchored in Town Creek, Guntersville Lake, Alabama - 10/4
Anchored in Honeycomb Creek, Guntersville Lake, Alabama - 10/5
Anchored in Mallard Creek, Wilson Lake, Alabama - 10/6

Anchored in First Creek, Joe Wheeler State Park, Alabama - 10/7-10/12

Monday, October 9, 2017

Days 207-210 - Guntersville, Nickajack, and the Grand Canyon of Tennessee

This next stretch is one of the prettiest we've seen along the rivers.  The high cliffs, beautiful homes, and green hillsides make for a breathtaking journey.  We left Alred Marina after church on Sunday and enjoyed the scenery along the lake. 
Alred Marina

Some of the beautiful homes in Guntersville Lake:

One of my favorites

A beautiful home with lots of stone. It's hard to see in this picture, but there are chairs in front of the house that match the color of the stone work.

 There were lots of unusual sights along the river and lake today.

Sorry the picture isn't clear, but notice the large open area to the right of our boat.

This is what it actually looks like! Notice there is a red buoy on the right - DO NOT GO BEYOND THE BUOY! That is floating island of weeds in very shallow water.

Fisherman, however, love it!

This was an unusual sight - buoys with their anchors ready to deploy into the river.

This guy loves his flags!

The owner of this blind must have been in the army?

Our anchorage for the evening was in Raccoon Creek.  The information we had was a minimum depth of 5 feet.  We found 3 1/2 feet, but made it through to a little bit deeper water.  Near the center of the bay we found 10 feet and called it quits.  We were all alone in the bay in 90+ degree heat so we took advantage and took cold showers on deck.
Our gorgeous sunset at anchor.

It was a beautiful morning to wind our way back through the shallow water to the Tennessee River...

...going under this beautiful bridge...

...and going through Nickajack Lock with one other boat with hardly any wait at all!

As we continued up Nickajack Lake we watched for Raccoon Mountain as the landmark that tells us we are in the Grand Canyon of Tennessee.  This is not anything like the Grand Canyon of Arizona - its a canyon of trees and boulders.

Raccoon Mountain

The birds love this pile of rocks

This is an active quarry - the cliffs literally glow when the sun shines on them.

I love this house nestled on a hill surrounded by trees yet a gorgeous view of the lake.

The beauty of hills, cliffs and trees.

Large boulders are not uncommon along the shore...

....making access to the lake a bit challenging at times.

More fun and different sights along the way:

 We can't figure out what this stage is for.  A very unusual venue with Coca Cola signs mounted on the stage. You can see some bleachers on the upper deck, under the curved roof.

A herd of donkeys/mules/horses!

How old is this barn and what in the world is the little shed to the left?

This is quite the set up, motor homes, house boat, and a tree house!  Can you say family vacation spot?

He drives and she reads - nice!

 Signs that tragedy strikes everywhere. 

We had difficulty setting our anchor that night. We are used to muddy bottoms that the anchor sinks into.  This time we had a fairly strong current and a seemingly rocky bottom that the anchor kept skipping across.  We finally thought it had settled and went in to cook dinner.  Around sunset we heard a strange scraping noise and Bob discovered our anchor was dragging!  Not enough to set off the anchor alarm yet, but it would go off shortly.  At least it wasn't midnight!  We pulled up the anchor and tried 3 more places before we were finally were convinced we would be safe for the night.  I set the anchor alarm on a very small radius so we would know immediately if we started to slip again.  We slept the night through ;)

The rest of the pictures are houses along the lake that I found enjoyable so feel free to skip this portion.

 Spiral stairs to the look out!

One of the smallest houses.

A larger one but I love the stone work on the shore.

 Many older homes along here, looks like this one has been added on to many times.  Even has a shed for the animals!

The rocks are part of the landscaping of their yards.

Not sure I would call this a "cabin"!

 The stone work on the house is as beautiful as the stonework on the shore.

 One of the more unusual homes. 

and another.

Poor boat house has seen better days, but an interesting look at the under side.

Houses and cliffs.
We loved this house on the shore with the cliffs in the background.

This house was so hard to shoot as it is white but well worth the 20 pictures it took to get a good one.  Such interesting lines.  Their view of the lake must be spectacular.

More houses on the cliff.

A close up of my favorite.

Anchored in Racoon Creek, Guntersville, Alabama - 10/1
Anchored at Williams Island, Nickajack Lake, Tennessee - 10/2

Anchored in Burns Island, Nickajack Lake, Alabama - 10/3