Friday, March 24, 2017

Day 7 - Can you say MUD?

Current Position: 32° 29' 10" N 80° 41' 18" W

What a beautiful morning after a calm, peaceful night.  

The VERY WIDE Madmalaw River.  We saw several dolphins but so they were out of the water so briefly that I couldn't get good pictures.  I'll keep trying.

A VERY SHALLOW Ashepoo-Coosaw cut.  A cut is like a canal between two creeks or rivers.  The day markers are the green on the left and the red buoy on the right.  You are supposed to stay between them.  Somehow this poor sailboat got outside the channel and ended up grounded.  If that happens you can a. wait for the tide to come back in or b. call TowBoatUS or SeaTow.  Since high tide was 6 hours away I think he call TowBoatUS.  He asked us for help but we barely got through the channel ourselves.  Bob said he felt us "slide" across the mud.  The good news is that since it's mud there is no damage to the boat.

The houses along this stretch were very similar to yesterday with the LONG walk to the boat docks.

Our anchorage for the night:

Brickyard Creek

Our only water neighbors were Egrets and the Crab fisherman:

The crab boats come by and pick up their traps, shake out the catch, re-bait the trap and throw it back in.  Mr. Pelican follows along behind hoping for an easy dinner.

 Watch him glide in.
 Can you see the crab they caught?
No treat?  He doesn't give up waiting until they speed away.

The end of beautiful day. - Tomorrow - LAND!!!!!!

Anchored at Brickyard Creek near Beaufort, SC.

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